《香港人思鄉美食憶記》新書發佈會 @倫敦

Presenting my new book: “Hongkongers in Their New Homes – New Taste, Old Taste”
This is my first presentation of my new book in London in English. It was held in the local library.
When I arrived in London last year, I had no friends here, but yesterday, there were 70% of local people and 30% of Hong Kongers came out and participated in the event. Many of them are friends I made here. After the presentation, the feedback is very positive. They thought that the topic and content were interesting.

The presentation covered the following:
1/ The creative process of the book
2/ Cultural shock
3/ How to adjust the mindset
4/ My other creative project with food

由細到大我都好怕英文,今日嘅我總算 #成就解鎖 ,喺倫敦嘅一間公共圖書館,為新書《香港人思鄉美食憶記》完成咗一場英文演講!之前練習咗咁多次 ,呢晚演講總算順利。
仲記得一年前,我初初嚟到英國,一位朋友都無;但一年之後,識到唔同嘅朋友 (好多都係做義工認識),出席嘅人數仲比我想像中多!
本地人佔大約70%,香港人佔30%,好多謝佢哋嚟支持,事後佢哋都讚我呢個題目同內容好有趣,講到港式鋸扒要拎紙巾做阻擋防彈汁,同埋This This Rice,個個都笑得好開心!

其他Comments 有:
- 內容好豐富,十分多元化
- 在「怎樣融入生活」那部份,找回久遺的初心 (南非街坊住在英國第6年)
- 嘉賓互動環節很有趣
- 喜歡Creative Art那部份,感覺很有趣
- 整個Presentation充滿真誠、溫暖與陽光
- 一小時輕輕鬆鬆渡過,內容很有趣,完全不覺沈悶